SGA will hold a special election to fill many positions in the Royal Court and Student Senate.
SGA said in an announcement that students interested in running are encouraged to attend a meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5, in room 1314 of the Union. SGA also will have an informational table set up from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11, in the Union Foyer.

The vacant positions are Mr. and Ms. Freshman, Mr. Junior, Mr. Senior, Freshman Senator, Sophomore Senator, Junior Senator, Arts and Humanities Senator and Business and Social Science Senator, SGA said.
The filing period will run from Thursday, Sept. 5, to Friday, Sept. 13. Campaigning will begin Monday, Sept. 16, and end Thursday, Sept. 19. Voting will open on Friday, Sept. 20, and close Sunday, Sept. 22.
To be eligible, students must have earned a 2.7 GPA last semester, with the exception of first-time freshmen, and must maintain a 2.5 GPA through their term with SGA.
Candidates must fill out all areas of the application in order. Students interested in applying are responsible for obtaining the required signatures and turning in their applications before the deadline. Applications are to be tuned in to the SGA office in room 212 of the Union.
For further information or any questions, students may e-mail SGA at