Weekend Arts and Entertainment

Perhaps Greek life on campus is, well, Greek to you. There’s a fix.  Meet the Greeks — eight fraternities and sororities at State — 7-9 p.m. today at the Student Union.

Here from the Gazette-Mail https://www.wvgazettemail.com are more choices for the weekend:


BOBBY TAYLOR: 7 p.m. Cover $10. Barnyard BBQ, 1101 Hospital Drive, Hurricane. Call 304-964-3322.

MARK IV WITH STEPHANIE SPINKS: 7 p.m. Cover $5. Elk River Community Center, 902 Main St., Elkview. Call 304-965-3722.

LIVE MUSIC WITH STEVE HIMES: 7:30 p.m. Free. Taylor Books, 226 Capitol St. Call 304-342-1464 or visit www.taylorbooks.com.

SONGWRITER STAGE: 7:30 p.m. Cover $5. In the round songwriter show with David Starr, Jeff Ellis, Mark Bates and Ron Sowell. Hosted by Roger Rabalais and Mike Arcuri. Unity of Kanawha Valley, 804 Myrtle Road. Call 304-345-0021.

“TAO: DRUM HEART”: 8 p.m. Tickets $23.50 and $33.50. Clay Center. Call 304-561-3570 or visit www.theclaycenter.org.


BALLROOM DANCING: 7 to 8 p.m. (lessons); 8 to 10 p.m. (open dancing). Donations accepted. Ballroom, social and Latin dancing. 2805 Kanawha Blvd E. Call 304-552-1456.

DANCE LESSONS: 7 to 10 p.m. Cover $5. Couples only. Pattern and line dancing. Hansford Center, 500 Washington St., St. Albans. Call 304-393-7693.


LIVE ACTION OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS: 7:30 p.m. Adults $9. Students $5. Underground Cinema, 226 Capitol St. Call 304-342-1464.


“DISNEY ON ICE PRESENTS FROZEN”: 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets $10 to $75. Charleston Civic Center. Call 800-745-3000.

MIKE GARDNER AND BEN JONES: 8 p.m. Cover $10. Comedy Zone Charleston, 400 2nd Ave SW, South Charleston. Call 304-744-4641.

“MOON OVER BUFFALO”: 8 p.m. Adults $15. Seniors and youth 12 and under $10. Alban Arts Center, 65 Olde Main St., St. Albans. Call 304-721-8896 or visit www.albanartscenter.com.

“THE RACK”: 8 p.m. Adults $15. Students and seniors $8. CYAC production about gun violence in schools. West Virginia State University Capitol Center, 123 Summers St. Call 304-342-6522.

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