By Neaka Nugent
Karly Kamps, a member of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, has been on a mission on the State campus to serve her organization by bringing students to join Bible studies, prayer nights, conferences and game nights.
On Intervarsity’s website, their purpose is to reach every corner of every campus. “About 40 people recommitted their lives to Christ or gave their lives to Christ for the first time last semester of 2019,” Kamps said.

“For over 75 years, Intervarsity has had a vital presence on hundreds of college campuses, courageously proclaiming Jesus as lord and savior, engaging in discipleship around Scripture and loving people of every ethnicity and culture.”
The group’s vision is “seeing students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed and world changers develop.”
“Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is an Interdenominational program; it is not affiliated with a particular church. Intervarsity is under the evangelical branch where other non-Christians can become a part of something life-changing. It is an organization for people of all ethnic groups and background.
“We are committed to creating spaces where everyone can learn how to follow Jesus.” Kamps said the local goal is for Intervarsity to reach every corner on campus by 2030.
Kamps’ role is to help train student leaders to spread the teaching of Jesus Christ. Intervarsity places a table on Wednesdays in the Student Union, where students can engage in spiritual conversations and learn about the teachings of Jesus Christ.
“We are a safe place to learn about what it means to follow Jesus,” Kamps said. Intervarsity teaches students to be vulnerable about their experience and equip student leaders, faculty and other volunteers who live in the area to continue to share the word of God to those in the community.
According to the Intervarsity website, Intervarsity Christian fellowship focuses on evangelism for a new generation.
It says: “Evangelism is communicating the good news of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God offers the forgiveness of sins, the gift of new life, and begins the healing of the world.”
The Intervarsity website is also a place for people to share their personal experiences with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
Intervarsity has had people who are not Christians participate in most of their activities at 6 p.m. on Thursdays in the Fishbowl, also known as the Student Union.

Kamps said students who may not want to be a part of Bible study may want to participate in game nights, which are in the planning stage. It is their way to connect with everybody.
Intervarsity also is currently working on bringing Thrive Prayer Nights to campus once a month in the Keith Conference Room. The group will have food, games and prayer stations around the room.
Intervarsity worked on a campus map for people who need prayer in a certain area. Bible study for WVSU athletes is at 7 p.m. on Tuesday in the football complex.
“The athletes’ group just got back from an Intervarsity conference in Michigan,” Kamps said. “This particular conference is for athletes to learn how to follow Jesus as an athlete and to be leaders on their teams.”
Kamps said Intervarsity also offers ethnic-specific conferences. She said two coming up – Unleashed for Asian-American students (a student from State is attending this year) and Ignite for black students, both Feb. 21-23. The conferences happen yearly and are designed to help students learn what it means to be Asian-American and Christian or black and Christian. For example, with Ignite, attendees get together with other black students in the community and be in a space of black-led worship, preaching and teaching and be inspired to take what they see and experience back to their own campuses.
“At least six students from WVSU have attended Ignite in the past since we came here to start Intervarsity two years ago, and it’s been a transformative experience,” Kamps said. “The reason for ethnic-specific conferences is based on our value that God created everyone uniquely in their ethnic identity for a purpose.
“We want to reach people of every ethnicity and culture with God’s love and learn together in community what it means join God’s purposes in the world.”
Intervarsity creates spaces where students have a chance to get away from their studies for a couple of hours and focus on the love of God and people’s purpose in the world, Kamps said.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship provides updates on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Katiebeth Bowens, president of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, also is on social media, showcasing upcoming events.