Musically inclined students at State have opportunities to perform.
The Concert Band (MUS 161) and the Marching Band (MUS 160) provide students with public engagements.

“Auditions are required for both classes in order to properly place the person in their section,” Kaleb Parsons, a senior music major and wind section leader for the marching band, said. “All music and folders will be provided for the classes,” Parsons said.
Although there are no prerequisites for either class, Parsons said the knowledge to read music and the skill to play an instrument are required. Both classes are open to any major, and Concert is also open to the community.
“Marching band is only offered in the Fall semester; since the Marching band plays for the home football games,” Parsons said. “A uniform is provided for Marching Band and is required during performances.”
“For Concert band, there is a dress requirement but isn’t provided for the class. Typically, black dresses and tuxes are standard uniform.”
State can usually lend one of their own instruments to students who want to join either band but don’t have an instrument of their own, Kaleb said.
Marching Band requires physical activity and memorization of formations for songs, he said. The Concert Band’s music will be forms of classically composed, while the Marching Band plays popular songs.