There is no need to go off of campus for your health needs! The Family Care Health Center is right on the WVSU campus and functions as a community health center that providing health care to both insured and underinsured people.
Sarah Knight, APRN, works at the clinic., “Here at Family Care, we like to keep it at minimal cost if any cost at all for our customers. Since school has started back up, we usually see about five to six students a day.”
The clinic takes many different types of insurances from students. If a student doesn’t have insurance, they can opt for the sliding scale visit which only costs fifteen dollars. Students on campus can receive care such as primary care, family planning, different types of screenings, etc. The clinic also provides students with items such as men’s and women’s personal products. “We offer vaccinations as well. Students can come and get them right on campus,” Knight said. If the clinic on campus cannot provide the care you need, there are other clinics around the state.
The Family Care Health Center is located in the Wilson Student Union on the basement level. The clinic is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday with the exception of 12 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.