The upcoming Senior Art Exhibit, scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, in the Della Brown Taylor Hardman Fine Art Gallery in the Davis Fine Arts Building, will showcase a student’s inside perspective of her own fears.

“I create works that express my own fears and discomfort,” senior art major Jessica Burdette said. “I don’t intend to make work that is scary. I want to create a path of communication so I can better understand the other people’s perspectives and maybe let others better understand me.”
Burdette said her process for creating her digital art is to gather or take all the reference images she can find. She said she sorts through the images and puts them into a collage to create her final reference photo.
“My creative process starts with a lot of writing,” she said. “I like to make little word maps. I’ll start with a word or phrase, and I’ll list all the words that I can think can go with the first one, and I repeat until the idea kind of clears itself up.
“Then I make a list of my words and idea and create little sketches to go with them.”
Burdette said she then creates a sketch in detail. After that, she starts painting, using larger brush sizes in the beginning and working her way down. She creates more detail with each pass more in the faces or hands.