WVSU Black History Month Convocation Coming Soon

Author and Howard University professor, Dr. Daryl Michael Scott, will be speaking at the WVSU Black History Month Convocation this coming Thursday. The presentation is 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22  at the P. Ahmed Williams Auditorium of Ferrell Hall.  Students  will also present at this event, which will feature a number of musical selections as well.

Scott will be discussing “Carter G. Woodson and the Role of the Intellectual in the Struggle for Equality.” Woodson served as our dean back in 1920-22 before going on to campaign for a, “Negro History Week,” which we know today as Black History Month.

Admission is free and open to the public.

Scott spent over a decade serving on the board of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), established the Woodson Review: ASALH’s Annual Theme Magazine, helped create The ASALH Press, founded the publication Fire!!!: The Multimedia Journal of Black Studies, and established Godwin House Publishers.

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