Matthew Mayo, a Logan County native, is a senior at State who has brought many positive changes to campus. Mayo transferred to State in fall 2017 after attending Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.
Since Mayo has come to State, he has started up two organizations: honorsociety.org and Gamma Beta Phi Society. All the while maintaining a 3.56 GPA. Mayo is president of both organizations, as well as Tau Sigma National Society. He is also active in C.E. Jones Historical Society, the Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, History Honor Society, Kappa Delta Pi, and many other clubs and organizations. Mayo represents himself as much as possible with all the clubs and organizations he associates himself with.
Mayo works at Walmart on the weekends and is an active member in his community. Mayo volunteers and participates in community service projects regularly. “I try to do any small part I can in the community,” Mayo said. Mayo and another student handed out gift bags to people at the local homeless shelter in Logan County as a part of a community service project called “Bridging the Gap.”
WVSU Board of Governors has recognized Mayo for all of his efforts on campus. Mayo graduates in May and is planning to start up a couple more organizations before then.
After graduation, Mayo is thinking about attending Grand Canyon University to get his master’s degree in history and become a college professor or receiving his master’s degree in education from Marshall or WVU to which he would use to become a high school teacher in his hometown.
No matter where Mayo chooses to go his possibilities are endless.