Just before finals, Forbes has reported on the state of higher education in West Virginia and the report is not a favorable one for West Virginia State University. Check out the article for more but here are the takeaways for Yellow Jackets:
1. West Virginia has a population of 1.8 million people.
2. West Virginia has 11 public four-year college and universities. Ohio has 13 public four-year college and universities and has a population 6x that of West Virginia’s.
3. West Virginia has the highest unemployment rate of the 48 contiguous states.
4. West Virginia has the second lowest per capita income.
5. West Virginia has the lowest percentage of those over 25 years old with four-year college degree or more.
6. West Virginia has colleges everywhere, one every 2,000 square miles and every 160,000 people but few graduates.
7. In West Virginia, only West Virginia University(WVU) graduates expect to exceed an average income of $40,000 a year.
8. West Virginia State University(WVSU) and Bluefield State(BS) graduates should expect to earn less than $30,000 a year on average, which is less than what a recent high school graduate making $15 an hour earns.
9. West Virginia State University(WVSU) Board of
10. West Virginia State University(WVSU) is currently having it’s budget allocations reviewed by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.