The YJ Campus Poll

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Itai Gravely
Itai Gravely
6 years ago

I do not feel that people should need to carry guns on campus to feel safe. Wvsu is a very safe campus and I believe introducing guns on campus would only cause major problems in the long run.

Neutral Party
Neutral Party
Reply to  Itai Gravely
6 years ago

I would like to have more context to your opinion. How would having licensed registered firearm carriers be a detriment to this campus? One thing to note is that the Kanawha County Sheriff and the public safety department will know exactly who is permitted to carry and there will be legal ramifications to those who aren’t permitted. Currently, the campus safety posters indicate that we should run and hide, but if we choose to fight (last resort or otherwise) we should act aggressively, knock the gun out of the shooter’s hand or otherwise incapacitate them, hit the shooter with a… Read more »

Not a neutral party
Not a neutral party
Reply to  Neutral Party
6 years ago

This debate is not about allowing responsible gun owners to carry on campus. It is about allowing people to pay the NRA $60 and spend a few hours online so they can get permission to carry their deadly weapon on a peaceful college campus. This does not magically turn people into responsible gun owners but does give people with deadly intent the ability to stalk their prey while maintaining their own safety until they feel ready to strike. Allowing guns on campus just makes campus security more difficult. How does a police office tell the difference between an active shooter… Read more »

Reply to  Not a neutral party
6 years ago

You do not pay the NRA for concealed carry permits. You pay the WV State Gov $100. $50 of that goes to the State Police to pay for the background check. You clearly are misinformed and have a bias against the NRA

Not a neutral party
Not a neutral party
Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

I was talking about the legally mandated safety course (which costs money), not the application fee (which is $75 by law). You can, of course, take a class other ways than just online with the NRA. There are even “instructors” who just sign the paperwork to let you qualify for a concealed carry permit in exchange for around $50 to $75. A few just got convicted of that in Ohio this month.

Reply to  Not a neutral party
6 years ago

I dare you to find a single time when a member of the NRA or someone with a permit to conceal has shot up a place. Find even one.

Not a neutral party
Not a neutral party
Reply to  Matthew
6 years ago

Gladly. Show me a complete membership list and I guarantee I can show you NRA members who use their guns illegally. You’re hiding behind the fact that the list is kept secret and therefore you can persuade people of your position without having any proof to back it up.

Regardless, you don’t have to be a member of the NRA to take their online course (or another State-approved course) and qualify for a concealed carry permit.

Reply to  Not a neutral party
6 years ago

I like how you compare some who wants to defend themselves to someone stalking their prey. Good job! If you look at the statistics, people who have a concealed carry permit are the most law abiding citizens in the country. By your logic they are actually just the best at hiding their desire to kill.

Not a neutral party
Not a neutral party
Reply to  Greg
6 years ago

I didn’t make a comparison. I pointed out that getting a permit is an easy way for someone with ill intent to protect themselves legally while they carry a gun which they are thinking of using. There may be various degrees of criminal behavior, but citizens are either law abiding or not. There’s no such thing as “most law abiding.” People with multiple misdemeanors and even crimes of violence are required by law to be granted a concealed carry permit if they apply for one more than five years since their last crime of violence against strangers and meet the… Read more »

Neutral Party
Neutral Party
Reply to  Not a neutral party
6 years ago

Violent misdemeanor offenders and felons are only able to obtain a permit or even legally purchase a gun if their offense was expunged or pardoned. WVC §61-7-4 a: 5 – 7.

Not a neutral party
Not a neutral party
Reply to  Neutral Party
6 years ago

I am including a link to the WV Legislature’s website at the end of this comment for people who want to read the law for themselves. Anyone who does can see that you are misrepresenting it. Your chosen name “Neutral Party” is clearly part of your deception. Subsection 6 prohibits applicants who have been convicted of any crime of violence in the preceding five years and subsection 7 prohibits applicants who have been convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors regardless of how old those convictions are. Obviously that means violent misdemeanors against strangers which are older than five years don’t count… Read more »

Reply to  Not a neutral party
6 years ago

When I say most law abiding citizens I think we both know that I mean statistically they commit less crime than other groups. Not that the degree of criminality is lower. I honestly do not care what the law says because they do not change a criminals actions. If laws were really effective deterrents then there would be no gun crime and drugs wouldn’t be destroying West Virginia. Gun restrictions only make it harder on law abiding citizens to defend themselves.

Neutral Party
Neutral Party
Reply to  Not a neutral party
6 years ago

I have attached some links for the West Virginia State Police concealed carry application and the NRA gun safety courses. If the door opens out into the hall, as some doors on this campus do, blocking the door would not work. It is unrealistic to think that the university will modify the structure of each building to allow all doors to be barricaded. Provided the bill passes I would like to see campus police to hold a seminar each semester for all attending carriers so that each party is aware of expectations. Link to the permit application: Link to… Read more »

Reply to  Not a neutral party
6 years ago

You don’t pay the nra to carry it’s regulated though through the police. You should look into to stuff before posting info that just not true. #liberallogic

Not a Neutral Party
Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

#ReadTheLaw and please read the previous comments so I don’t have to keep repeating myself. I’ve already discussed this nuance in the law. The concealed carry permit requires eight hours of instruction in peacetime firearm safety and the NRA is such a popular source for that instruction that the State code specifically lists them as qualified to provide the instruction. The NRA doesn’t do it for free, but it also just so happens that they make it very convenient with their online course. Where are you going to go for the training? Do you have any alternatives in mind? Some… Read more »

6 years ago

I am concerned that the amount of free speech allowed on campus is going to cause major problems in the long run. -previous commenter

Reply to  Greg
6 years ago

That is an impressive logical fallacy you have there. Maybe when the number of accidental free-speech deaths approach the number of accidental firearm deaths we can talk.

Reply to  Numbers
6 years ago

Historically speaking I would argue that free speech has lead to the death of far more people than accidental firearms deaths. Regardless of the death toll, I’d like to maintain my freedom and be capable of defending myself. There are plenty of countries you could move to and have all the government you can handle but, this is the last semi free country. So, please stop trying to destroy this endangered land. Those of us who enjoy freedom and personal responsibility have no where else to go.

Reply to  Greg
6 years ago

Those would be murders, not accidental free-speech deaths. I feel sorry for you if you think the only way you can defend yourself is with a gun.

Reply to  Numbers
6 years ago

You feel sorry for me since I prefer defending myself to being the victim? Please don’t waste your time. I’m quite happy with my choice. How does someone who is afraid to put their name on here plan to defend their self? Are you planning to fist fight your attacker?

Reply to  Greg
6 years ago

I try to treat people with respect and help people when they have bad days instead of treating them like people I might need to kill to defend myself.

I have no attackers. There are only friends I haven’t made yet.